Announcing Solakonferansen 2022

On behalf of the Board and the Conference Committee, you are hereby cordially invited to join us at Solakonferansen 2022 – Clarion Hotel Air, by Stavanger Airport, Sola, 19-21 September 2022.

Headline and Main Topic:

Sustainability through improved environmental footprint and adopting new technologies.

A brief and preliminary introduction of Solakonferansen 2022 as of December 2021:

Solakonferansen remains fully committed in its quest to promote flight safety by once again inviting the aviation industry to share thoughts, discuss opportunities, and enhance aviation standards during our annual conference. Whether representing an OEM, regulatory body, operator, or the end user, we trust you will find the conference an excellent opportunity to grow your network and solve challenges at hand. This year we have asked the OEMs to focus on what and how they contribute to environmentally friendly operations within their segment. The oil and gas industry is carefully being watched in this space and many initiatives are in place to minimize environmental impact. The offshore helicopter segment needs to play it’s part and advance technology, operations and procedures. The conference for 2022 is slightly different than before in that it will kick off with a get-together on the Monday evening with an excellent dinner on the conference premises. The RNoAF (pending approval) will entertain you with a presentation on the F-35 Lightning II: What capabilities do a stealthy fifth generation fighter bring to the table? How do they train, integrate, and support the strategic goals with such a system both in peacetime and wartime? Over the next two days we will hear from the OEM’s and offshore helicopter operations stakeholders, explore unmanned operations (military and civilian), get a glimpse into police helicopter operations, and we might get a glimpse into Mars helicopter operations. We work extremely hard to ensure that Solakonferansen remain the Flight Safety focal point within the industry, and very much look forward to you joining us in September 2022 for three eventful days!

The program is in steady progress, and is planned to be released ultimo January. Registration opens late April/early May.
Until then, for news and update as the program develops, see our website.

Secondly, A brief and final look back at Solakonferansen 2021 with great thanks and recognition, and despite the Covid-19, we made it!

If you for any reason should have an interest in, and/or want to obtain any supplementary information on a specific presentation, please address us and we will assist you in getting in touch with the lecturer and originator.

From here, with great thanks and special recognition to:
Sponsors, partners and advertisers in support of Stiftelsen Solakonferansen (The Solakonferansen Foundation) contribute to give the foundation financial strength, in support of Solakonferansen 2021, and to maintain the quality of future conferences. We thank you for your crucial contribution, your support and excellent cooperation to the mutual benefit of aviation safety.

Lecturers, thank you for your positive attitude and willingness to contribute to the program, and all your deliveries were excellent and well received by all in attendance.

Last, but not least – all the attendees for taking your time to join us and contribute.


Newsletter No 1 2022


New, extended registration deadline